Glossary of Ultimate Vixen fuku (foo-koo): [noun] a Japanese schoolgirl outfit. lip-touch (lip-tuhch): [noun] a kiss in which one's lips are vertically and horizontally parallel to those of the other; [verb] to kiss this way.* (*This is not to be confused with the French kiss) lovergirl (luvergerl): [noun] girlfriend; derived from the noun "loverboy". nylon (nye-lon): [noun] the material used to make pantyhose; used in the UV plays as a replacement for "pantyhose". Port Hachi (port ha-chee): [noun] the city defended by the Ultimate Vixens. power struggle (pow-er struh-gull): [noun] an action in which two super-blasts happen to ram into each other, making those who launched them need to use more energy to try breaking the crossfire at the expense of the opposition. scrunchie (scrunchy): [noun] the object a female puts on her hair to get a ponytail or something similar. super-blast (soo-per blast): [noun] an energy blast of very high power; i.e. Goten's Kamehameha. Ultimate Vixens (ull-tih-mut vick-suns): [noun] the femme fatale trio made up of Yuri Sakazaki, Athena Asamiya, and May; founded by Goten; derived from the slang term "vixen*", meaning "pretty woman/girl". (*"Vixen" literally means "female fox", hence the profiles being called "Fox Files")