Glossary of Heroes of Majesty Akumavania (uh-koo-muh-vain-nee-uh): [noun] the castle that was the lair of Geese Howard, Frieza, Iori Yagami, and Akuma seven years ago. Heroes of Majesty (hee-rows uhv ma-jess-tee): [noun] six warriors (Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Ryu Hoshi, and Ryo Sakazaki) who have won the Battle of Akumavania and were given the faction name "Heroes of Majesty". Orb of Darkness (orb uhv darkness): [noun] an instrument of evil Geese Howard used to brainwash Terry and Andy Bogard; accidentally absorbed into the body of Kyo Kusanagi. super-blast (soo-per blast): [noun] an energy blast of very high power; i.e. Goku's Kamehameha. Susej (soo-sej): [noun] evil skull apparition who was trapped in the Orb of Darkness; "Jesus" spelled backwards.