Glossary of Fisticuff Wings AKOID Syndrome (uh-koyd sin-drome): [noun] A fictional speech disorder which causes people to forget to say something they intended to say and/or say something other than what they meant to say; many people with AKOID Syndrome, especially one Richard Antfield, tend to deny both actions in attempts to spare themselves the embarrassment of never providing important information for those who needed it, when they needed it. Battle B-Daman (battle be-duh-mon): [anime/manga] The presentation of Terry "The Wingbearer" McScotty's origin; in this anime, Terry was referred to by his overall name by everyone else, and didn't have a serious demeanor; he even carried a sword and instead of a crime fighter, he was a ninja. chi (chee): [noun] The spirit energy used by Chou Eiyuu and Chou Akunin. Chou Akujin (cho ah-koo-jin): [noun] The evil opposite of the Chou Eiyuu; literal Japanese translation for "super villain". Chou Eiyuu (cho ey-yoo): [noun] The gifted crime fighters who take voluntary responsibility for protecting their hometown, in this case Koi County; literal Japanese translation for "super hero". Daiwa (dye-wuh) Delgado: [noun] One of FW's fictional news reporters; name was created by taking both surnames of B-Daman protagonist Yamato Delgado, as he was called "Yamato Daiwa" in the Japanese version. Danreu (don-roy): [noun] The surname of FW's main antagonist; pronounced as a German name. Dynasty Shaolin (dye-nuss-tee shahw-lin): [noun] A special form of Shaolin which relies on fah-jing; called "DynaShao" for short and is practiced by Maru Xinrao (surname pronounced "zin-rahw") and his apprentice Joey Saxon. fah-jing: [noun] The spirit energy used by practitioners of DynaShao, who are of a different classification from Chou Eiyuu. Felionel (fee-lionel) Ancestry: [noun] Myanica Felionel's family lineage from her father's side; responsible for her Chou Eiyuu-class abilities. Femme Bestiale (fem bess-chal): [noun] The nickname given to Lisa Simmons in the fourth episode of the first season; derived from the terms "bestial", which refers to aggression, and "femme fatale". Gnal (nal): [noun] One of Peztous Plais' bodyguards; Lex Lang's surname spelled backwards. Koi County: [noun] The fictional city where Terry "The Wingbearer" McScotty, Myanica Felionel, and their local allies reside. lip-touch (lip-tuhch): [noun] a kiss in which one's lips are vertically and horizontally parallel to those of the other; [verb] to kiss this way.* (*This is not to be confused with the French kiss) mollywhop: [verb] Portrayed as a common term referring to physical violence. Mulb: [noun] One of Peztous Plais' bodyguards; Steve Blum's surname spelled backwards. Myanica Felionel (me-yah-nih-kuh fee-lionel): [noun] The latest Felionel descendant and Terry "The Wingbearer" McScotty's loving, well... lover; the name is derived from combining "mya" with the name "Monica", and "feline" with the name "Lionel". Peztous Plais ("Pay to Play"): [noun] The CEO of Plais Industries and grandson of John Danreu; pronounced as a French name. Tsubame Tsubakura (tsoo-bah-may tsoo-buh-koo-rah): [noun] Terry "The Wingbearer" McScotty's name in the Japanese version of both B-Daman and FW. With nickname included, it's "Tsubame Tsubakura 'Wingbearer'". Vincent Cain: [noun] One of FW's fictional news anchormen; name was created by taking the surname of one B-Daman character (Gray Michael -Vincent-) and the given name of another (-Cain- McDonnell) Wingbearer: [noun] The title given by an ice cream vendor to Terry McScotty while he was introducing himself in the first ever episode; not to be confused with "ringbearer", as certain "Lord of the Rings" characters addressed Frodo Baggins as.